Wednesday, February 20, 2008

sleepy head

this was at about 8:30 this morning
this was at about 11:30

I can tell when she has been up all night running around with Momo. Because they sleep all day long!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

lazy Saturday

Its really cold and rainy out side. So we just chill in the house today.

Friday, February 15, 2008

the lone rider

I cant go any ware with out her trying to jump in the truck when i leave so i take her every ware but work.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

water jug video

here a vid of blue with her jug. sorry about the size it 16mb!

get your Ball Ball!

Every toy of hers is called a ball ball. She knows what that means and goes crazy till she finds one. Her new thing is the water jug she loves it, she pushes that jug all over this place its so funny. And her basketball that she loves too. I'll post some videos of her playing with the jug its hilarious!

I'm so proud

These are my favorite pictures of Blue. I couldn't ask for a better dog. For some reason when i take her out people never believe me that she a full blooded heeler, mainly because of her coloring and her blue eye. I picked her out of about 8 pups and they all looked like regular pups who's coat just changed from soft grey to black and red and for some reason hers didn't. So i said ill take her! You cant really tell the colors of her in the pictures but shes got little spots of red on all of her feet and a little on her face, and black spots all over her with grey spots. I am so proud to be her owner.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here are some new pics of Blue and my new heeler Momo. I rescued him from a family that didn't have time or care for him. Hes put on about 10lbs sense hes been home. He loves it here with Blue. The first pic is of my niece Jayla with her heeler Chucky boy. Then Blue after her surgery and so on.